BT Cruiser Model 5316 Exterior View

New Photo Gallery of Stunning BT Cruiser Model 5316 Just Added

At just over 32 feet in length, the BT Cruiser Model 5316 is the longest BT Cruiser floor plan, with  two slides to expand both the main living area and the master bedroom, to provide extraordinary accommodations for a traveling couple.

Take a photo tour of the model 5316.

Here’s your chance to ‘step inside’ the 5316 and see the way life is lived, Gulf Stream Coach style.  You can see the mastery of our own cabinetmakers, working with our Light Roanoke Cherry.  You’ll see the large, deep, round stainless steel kitchen sink that is earning raves from campers who have struggled with tiny plastic sinks so common in RVs.

Take a look at a master suite that includes a full wall of closets, wardrobes, and drawers; see the remarkable two-way LED lights, that offer bright white light for reading and cool blue light for after-hours atmosphere.

See how the large picture windows in the main living area capture and frame scenic outside views, yet provide a high level of privacy with soft pleated shades.  Discover how we’ve adapted the latest electronic entertainment and information systems to the campground environment. Notice  how we’ve used every available square inch of space for storage.

See the model 5316 in person.

Enjoy the virtual tour of images, then make plans to visit a BT Cruiser near you for an in-person tour and test-drive.  Discover how we’ve combined luxury, comfort, and on-the-road performance in the 5316, a prime example of why people call the BT Cruiser “The Sports Car of Motor Homes.”

See the Model 5316 Photo Gallery here.

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