Motor Home Buyers: Swivel Seats – You asked for ’em, you got ’em!
The design and engineering team for Gulf Stream Coach motor homes have responded to requests from RV’ers who have asked us to offer front seats that can swivel to face the living area. As a result of their work, several Conquest Class C and BT Cruiser floor plans now offer swivel seats as an option.
Using the seats is easy – You simply pull a release on the side of the seat base. The release allows the seat to move back and away from the door, so there is enough room for the seat to turn around. As the seat moves, it disengages a locking pin, and when that pin is disengaged, the seat can swivel to face the main living area.
The additional seating is great for yourself and friends, especially when the front seats are so comfortable and stylish. And when it’s time to hit the road, the release lever allows the seat to return to its forward position, held securely and safely in place by the locking pin that automatically snaps back into place. It’s good to know that all of the hardware, seat bases, seats, and seat-belt systems are safety-certified too.
Availability of swiveling seats depends upon the floor plan and clearance, of course, so we’ve listed the possibilities below.
BT Cruiser Models:
- Swivel Seat for Driver: 5230
- Swivel Seat for Driver and Passenger: 5245, 5291, 5316
Conquest Class C Models:
- Swivel Seat for Driver: 6314
- Swivel Seat for Passenger: 6220,6237, 6237LE,
- Swivel Seat for Driver and Passenger: 6238, 6245, 6316, 6317, 6320
As you can see, there are PLENTY of choices. Make sure you include a Swivel Seat option when you order your BT Cruiser or Conquest Class C!